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Cookies Policy - Your privacy, the most important thing

LOWKIDS.COM uses its own and third-party cookies to offer you the best experience in free games for all ages. We improve performance by analyzing geolocation data, web portal settings, information from your device, and personalized ads.
These cookies and those of our partners are used to store or access information from your device.
You can accept all cookies, configure them or reject them in the options.

This cookie policy applies to all users of the LOWKIDS.COM website, as well as the privacy policy so that you know at all times how we collect and share information.
Cookies are small files with relevant information that are saved on your device sent from your web browser so that we can access or modify them and each one of them has a limited time depending on the purpose for which it is used.
These cookies help us to operate the website to offer you a web experience from all the pages of the website that you browse now and in the future to remember your preferences, personalized advertisements, information about your visit, your preferred language or offer the best experience. at the general user level.
We use various cookies from the website and third-party cookies for web analytics or advertisements.
Here you have extra information about cookies and their functionality:
Description of Cookies at Microsoft
Cookie on Wikipedia
We use different versions of cookies with different functions on our website. Our purpose is to use these cookies to personalize the user experience when browsing the web.
- We use cookies to recognize and remember your preferences, web analytics to measure the effectiveness and usability of the website, as well as provide banner ads or videos tailored to your interests.
In the same way, you can accept or configure this customization of cookies by changing the configuration in your web browser. In that case, we will not be able to provide you with optimal functionality as we have configured by default on our website.
There are cookies that we use as necessary and offer optimal performance, such as saving information about recently played games or that you can add games to your favorites list for example, as well as authenticating your access data to exclusive personalized content.
These cookies are registered to know your personalization on the choices you previously made to be able to configure the website to your measure or personal personalization as the preferred language or simply to know the consent that you offer us to show the personalization of said cookies and your personalized configuration that you send us and we do not have to constantly ask you about these cookie policies.
We use cookies to see the web performance and usability of the user in each visit to know how you use our website and we can improve it thanks to these statistics that you send us. So we will know, for example, how many times you visit us and what time you spend on our pages, as well as record errors or anomalies in our system.

We have trusted advertisers on our website that may save cookies on your device. Advertisers such as ad networks or marketing, as well as other advertising services that collect user data about information, statistics and online activity. These ad networks may share that information with other ad networks in your industry to serve them tailored ads.
More information about third-party advertising cookies: YourAdchoices
These cookies are necessary to offer you the ability to share content from our website with social networks. You can share games or videos with your friends on the social networks that we have associated with.
Sometimes, we are not aware of some third-party cookies that are leaked or that we have not updated in our cookie policies, since we trust our list of third-party cookies. Therefore, if at any time you can see an unexpected cookie, do not hesitate to contact us or write to us directly at:
We explain below the type of cookies we use on our website:
Session cookies
These session cookies are temporarily stored in the memory of your device while you browse a site. Session cookies are not stored on your device for a long period and they always disappear when you close your web browser on your device.
Tracking or persistent cookies
This type of cookie is saved for a certain period of time according to use and always has an expiration date. Persistent cookies help websites to remember your information and settings the next time you visit them. This allows for faster and more convenient access, since, for example, you do not have to log in again.
If the expiration date expires, the persistent or tracking cookie is automatically deleted the next time you visit the website that created it.
Own cookies
These cookies are set by the website itself and only the website has access to them. These cookies are typically used to store information, such as your preferences, to use the next time you visit the website.
Third party cookies
They are set by a different domain than the one shown in the navigation bar, and they come from organizations outside the website.
These third-party and advertising cookies are independent of the website but are approved on our behalf and will always be previously analyzed trusted sites.
We do not have access to that information nor can we operate on them, just as they cannot obtain information from our cookies or operate on them. Completely independent by each body in which they apply their own cookies and privacy policies.
There are several ways to configure tracking cookies. From the configuration of your web browser, you can accept or reject these cookies, as well as notify you when new cookies are registered from websites you visit. Once these cookies are saved on your device, you can delete them directly in your storage folder on your device. Normally, the browsers that you use to visit websites provide the necessary options for the elimination of registered cookies or that do not directly allow those registrations.
We can help you provide detailed information on the most used browsers on the web so that you can see how to enter those options:
Google Chrome
Microsoft Windows Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Apple safari
Android devices
IOS devices

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LOWKIDS.COM reserves the right to modify this Policy or terms, according to its own criteria, or motivated by a doctrinal change of the competent Authority in Data Protection, legislative or jurisprudential in the event that said update supposes a substantial change. in the same. We will inform Users of any changes to the Policy or terms and give them the opportunity to provide their consent again.
If you have any other questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact
Updated with date: 19/06/2024