Gem Thieves in Kogama

Gem Thieves in Kogama

Gem Thieves in Kogama

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Gem Thieves in Kogama

Gem Thieves in Kogama

It is an online game of Steal

A big robbery is going to happen at this Kogama bank that guards the most precious gems in the world. It's time for you to decide which side you want to be on: The thieves or the police. Choose a team and meet your objective to ensure that your side is declared the winner of the game. If you are on the police team, you will have to guard one of the areas of the map, shooting at the thieves to prevent them from getting the key that opens the doors to the gems. If you are one of the thieves, you must complete this parkour while avoiding police bullets. Make your team the best gem thieves in Kogama.
Get ready to play the game Gem Thieves in Kogama , it is free from our servers, it is one of the most played Steal games on the web.

Controls to play

👥 Multiplayer game, two players, play with friends

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