Mahjong by Soy Luna

Mahjong by Soy Luna

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Mahjong by Soy Luna

Mahjong by Soy Luna

It is an online game of Soy luna

The characters from Soy Luna meet on our website with this fun mahjong game that we have created for the most loyal fans of the series and its protagonists. If there is someone who does not know what Soy Luna is, it is an Argentine youth series that was successful on the Disney Channel, as Violetta did in its day.
On this occasion, Soy Luna tells us the story of a girl named Luna whose biggest dream is to succeed in the world of figure skating. There are many adventures that this girl will live until she achieves her dream and also, to get Matteo's love.
Those who have already seen the series will be familiar with all the pieces of this special mahjong Soy Luna that we have prepared for all of you. As you also know, a mahjong game is like a puzzle or a solitaire game in which you have to match the tiles that contain the same image inside. Of course, we will have to do it with the tiles that are not blocked by others, which will make the mission difficult. When you run out of pairs, use the shuffle button on the top left to shuffle your remaining pieces so you can continue the game. Solve the levels of this fun Mahjong with the protagonists of Soy Luna.
Get ready to play the game Mahjong by Soy Luna , it is free from our servers, it is one of the most played Soy luna games on the web.

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