Pizza Challenge V13886

Pizza Challenge V13886

Pizza Challenge V13886

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Pizza Challenge V13886

Pizza Challenge V13886

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We propose a magnificent challenge that you can carry out alone or with a friend playing from the same device, be it PC, Smartphone or Tablet. It is the pizza challenge and consists of a confrontation between two people to see who of the two can catch the greatest number of slices of a pizza. The current pizza will appear in the center and you will have to stretch your hand correctly to reach one of those pieces and add it to your score. In each round, the one with the most portions will be the winner and will earn one point. The player who first manages to reach five points will be the winner of the game. Do you dare with the pizza challenge?.
Get ready to play the game Pizza Challenge V13886 , it is free from our servers, it is one of the most played games on the web.

Controls to play

👥 Multiplayer game, two players, play with friends

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