Superhero Dentist

Superhero Dentist

Superhero Dentist

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Superhero Dentist Superhero Dentist Superhero Dentist
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Superhero Dentist

Superhero Dentist

It is an online game of Emergencies

The time has come to help the Superheroes, they have some bad teeth and must be attended by a dentist as soon as possible. You will have to perform a dental cleaning, repair all the teeth that are damaged and eliminate all the bacteria that are in the mouth. Demonstrate your knowledge as a dentist so that you can restore healthy teeth to your favorite Superheroes. Have an incredible time next to your favorite characters. Can you clean all the teeth of your friends?.
Get ready to play the game Superhero Dentist , it is free from our servers, it is one of the most played Emergencies games on the web.

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