The Great City of Kogama

The Great City of Kogama

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The Great City of Kogama The Great City of Kogama The Great City of Kogama
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The Great City of Kogama

The Great City of Kogama

It is an online game of Roblox

The great city of Kogama is now open and you can enter and live great adventures in it. You can go around the different areas of this huge city and discover the secrets that are hidden in every corner. The school, the hospital, the bank and many other public buildings can be visited and find adventures in them.
It also has large parks and race tracks where you can challenge other players online. You will also find multiple vehicles that you can use to move throughout the city and discover every corner. Get ready to explore the new great city of Kogama.
Get ready to play the game The Great City of Kogama , it is free from our servers, it is one of the most played Roblox games on the web.

Controls to play

👥 Multiplayer game, two players, play with friends


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Classics Games Arcade Games Disney Games Fight games Football games Girls games Platform games Children Games Goku games Cars games Dress games